This week we invent another JavaScript framework, solve the Byzantine Product Manager Problem, and smell like Naval Diplomacy.
This week is going to be short, someone is not caught up with their social media and feeds, but we do have some fun stories and cats.
This week we have a delightful animation, a sketchy presentation, the church of OKR, a Remix recommendation, and our opinion about web3.
This week we rotate our display, defrag our hard drive, drop the backstory, clear some snow, and drop some bees.
This week we decorate a pumpkin pie, pay our gas fees, fix a broken clock, and go on a date Tudor style.
This week we dress in octopus onesie, add one more setting, bust out the popcorn, and fold that fitted sheet.
This week we got fast chickens, cows in earmuffs, fishy bots, and scared alligators.
Go beyond the playground * Fine tune your completion model * Upload classification and search files * CSV, Excel , JSONL * Open source
This week we walk eat an invisible bagel, celebrate 50th years of Unix, press Up a dozen of times, and ride the sleeping bus.